Music & Wellbeing in LambethWe believe that by participating in music making activities we support our creative growth and nurture our personal, social and emotional development.
Following a two year period of such dramatic change, what better time is there to focus on the role that music can play in supporting Wellbeing and celebrate the numerous benefits that music can bring to everyone from all backgrounds and in all circumstances. Expressing ourselves creatively helps us sort through our thoughts and feelings, allows us to connect with others, and builds confidence and resilience. Across Lambeth, we have seen just how important music is to the young people we work with and the people that help young people achieve their musical dreams. |
" When I hear music, I feel so much better." Ismael, Heathbrook primary school.
Schools and Teachers
Lambeth Music Service supports all schools through our existing resources, support programmes, and our strong networks of partners. We are pleased to have developed our online curriculum to support young people while they were learning at home and have focused on continuing to deliver recovery activities that support everyone's wellbeing.
"We sing all the time as it develops the children's speech and language skills and phonic awareness. When they sing as a group, they work together in a positive way and it improves their mental health." Year 1 teacher.
"We love making music together. It allows children to connect with one another and create something they're proud of. I see it after every lesson" School music teacher.
Families and young peopleMaking music with other people has been shown to improve mood and is a great way to make new friends, and experience the joy of sharing music together.
Find out more about joining local music groups and taking part in music making opportunities with our fantastic Lambeth Sounds partners Here |
#musicmakesmeMusic Makes Me is a music advocacy campaign for Lambeth that champions music making in both schools and out of school settings. Our aim is to raise the profile of music as a beneficial art form, help keep music high on the agenda, and encourage more young people to get involved in creative activities.
To help us continue to build this campaign, we are looking for the support of schools, music organisations and families to share content, (quotes, images and videos) that capture just how important music is to young people in Lambeth. If your school would like to support this campaign, content can be securely uploaded here |