Below you will find resources for Musitrax for Years 3 & 4. The course comprises of videos and resource packs which will be released on a weekly basis
Week 1
WEEk 2
Part 1
Part 2
Y3-4 Week 2 Instrument Introduction
Y3-4 Week 2 ClarinetY3-4 Week 2 RecorderY3-4 Week 2 Sing the HarmonyY3-4 Week 2 ViolinY3-4 Week 2 TrumpetY3-4 Week 2 CelloPart 3
Part 3
Part 3
You may find it easier to navigate the contents of the resource folder if, when the folder is open, you click for the drop-down menu labelled "All Documents" and select "Tiles" from that menu.